The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic

The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic

Tall And True Short Reads

The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic

Episode 102 (6 February 2025)

The terrace house door creaks open, and the women sitting in the converted front room glance at the newcomers: another nervous-looking young woman in her late teens or early twenties and an older woman, probably her mother, judging by their shared chubby features. The two women cross to the receptionist’s desk.


The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic

Show Notes

Season Five: Episode 102 (6 February 2025)

The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic is a short story by Robert Fairhead from the Tall And True writers’ website.

Read Robert’s writing on Tall And True:

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Listen to the Season Five Trailer:

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Story Insight

As I explained in the trailer Introducing Season Five, the first four seasons of Tall And True Short Reads featured the short stories, blog posts, and other writings I’ve shared on Tall And True. Most were standalone episodes, but I also released multipart episodes for longer stories and posts.

For Season Five, I’m doing something different. I’m writing and narrating a series of interconnected short stories titled The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts. Prologue: The Clinic is the first episode.  

In the Season Five trailer, I quoted the Gotham Writers Workshop’s definition of the interconnected or linked stories genre as “stories that are complete in that each story can stand alone, but when put together, they interrelate and create a larger whole.” 

My goal with Season Five is to explore “sliding doors” moments. Each episode will be a standalone story set at a different time in Leo’s life, but his nine lives will interconnect to create a “larger whole”. 

As with my other writing, I will draw on elements of autofiction in The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts. For example, while I don’t specify a date for The Clinic episode, I wrote the prologue story with a 1960s or ’70s setting in mind. I was born in England in 1962, and researching the contraceptive and unplanned pregnancy options for women like Rita in my story at that time was a sobering insight into the predicament faced by my teenage mother. Thankfully, unlike Rita’s Billy, my father kept his promises!  

The next episode in Season Five, and the first of Leo’s nine lives, will appear in your podcast feed shortly. In the meantime, browse your feed or the podcast website to listen to 101 episodes from the past four seasons.

You can read my short stories, blog posts, and other writings at You can also buy my short story and microfiction collections, including my latest collection, One Day in the Life of Alex’s AI and Other Speculative Fiction, from the Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Kobo online bookstores. 

Please follow or subscribe to Tall And True Short Reads and rate and review it via your favourite podcasting app. Doing so helps me share my storytelling with other listeners.

You can financially support the podcast and my Season Five stories by making a small one-off or regular donation through the Acast Supporter Page

Finally, please share this episode with family and friends and spread the word about Tall And True Short Reads and the Tall And True writers’ website.

Podcast Theme and Sound Effects

Royalty-free music from Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 15 in D major, Op. 28 ‘Pastorale’ – IV. Rondo. Allegro ma non-Troppo, performed by Karine Gilanyan.

Sound effects licensed under Creative Commons 0 from

Production Notes

Tall And True Short Reads is produced using Audacity. Podcast episodes are recorded in Sydney, Australia, on the traditional lands of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.

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The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic

Introducing Season Five

Tall And True Short Reads

Season Five Trailer

Introducing Season Five (23 January 2025)

Most episodes from the past four seasons of Tall And True Short Reads are standalone, but I’ve also released multipart episodes for longer short stories. For Season Five, I’m doing something different. I’m writing and narrating a series of interconnected short stories titled The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts.


Season Five Trailer

Show Notes

Introducing Season Five (23 January 2025)

Tall And True Short Reads is a storytelling podcast featuring short stories, blog posts and other writings written and narrated by Robert Fairhead from the Tall And True writers’ website.

For Season Five, Robert is doing something different: He’s writing and narrating a series of interconnected short stories specifically for the podcast, The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts.

Robert’s Insight

I launched my storytelling podcast in September 2020 with Episode 1, Five Meet on Zoom, releasing the milestone Episode 100, Twin Souls in the Universe, during Season Four in October 2024. 

The first four seasons of Tall And True Short Reads featured the short stories, blog posts, and other writings I’ve shared on the Tall And True writer’s website

Most were standalone episodes, but I also released multipart episodes for longer stories and posts, such as Both Sides of the Story from Season One, Two Visits to the Berlin Wall from Season Three, and Some Things Change from Season Four.

For Season Five, I’m doing something different. I’m writing and narrating a series of interconnected short stories titled The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts

I learned about interconnected stories from hearing the Australian author Nick Earls on ABC Radio National’s The Book Show. In a 2021 episode, he discussed his five-part interconnected novella, Empires (on Amazon), and the “interconnected novel” that inspired him, Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell (on Amazon). I read both books and was fascinated by the possibilities of genre. 

The Gotham Writers Workshop defines the interconnected or linked stories genre as:

Stories that are complete in that each story can stand alone, but when put together, they interrelate and create a larger whole. 

My multipart Both Sides of the Story fits this definition. It consists of four self-contained vignettes and a fifth piece (split into two parts for the podcast) that ties together and resolves the larger story. So, although I didn’t know it then, I have shared an interconnected collection of stories on Tall And True Short Reads!

However, this will be my first conscious attempt to write interconnected short stories. It will also be my first time writing stories specifically for the podcast and not adapting them from Tall And True.  

The first episode of The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts, Prologue – The Clinic, will appear in your podcast feed shortly. In the meantime, search your feed or the podcast website to listen to 101 episodes from the past four seasons.

You can read my short stories, blog posts, and other writings at You can also buy my short story collections, including the latest, One Day in the Life of Alex’s AI and Other Speculative Fiction, from the Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Kobo online bookstores. 

Please follow or subscribe to Tall And True Short Reads and rate and review it via your favourite app. Doing so helps me share my storytelling with other listeners.

You can financially support the podcast and the Season Five stories by making a small one-off or regular donation through the Acast Supporter Page.

Finally, please share this trailer with family and friends and spread the word about Tall And True Short Reads and the Tall And True writers’ website.

Podcast Theme and Sound Effects

Royalty-free music from Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 15 in D major, Op. 28 ‘Pastorale’ – IV. Rondo. Allegro ma non-Troppo, performed by Karine Gilanyan.

Sound effects licensed under Creative Commons 0 from

Production Notes

Tall And True Short Reads is produced using Audacity. Podcast episodes are recorded in Sydney, Australia, on the traditional lands of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.

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The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic

Kris Kringle – Xmas 2024

Tall And True Short Reads

Kris Kringle – Xmas 2024

Episode 101 (20 December 2024)

Since Episode 100, I’ve taken a break from podcasting to plan a new direction for Season Five of Tall And True Short Reads, which I hope to launch early next year. Meanwhile, I’ve “gift-wrapped” the first episodes from Seasons One to Four of the podcast for this year’s bumper Kris Kringle episode.


Kris Kringle – Xmas 2024

Show Notes

Season Four: Episode 101 (20 December 2024)

The stories written and narrated by Robert Fairhead for the Kris Kringle – Xmas 2024 stories first appeared on the Tall And True writers’ website.

Read the stories:

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Buy Robert’s short story collections online:

Episode Insight

In October 2024, I released Episode 100 of Tall And True Short Reads, Twin Souls in the Universe, marking the end of Season Four of my storytelling podcast, which I launched in September 2020.

Since then, I’ve taken a break from podcasting to focus on writing projects, including publishing my latest short story collection, One Day in the Life of Alex’s AI and Other Speculative Fiction (post on Tall And True). Please see the Show Notes for online bookstore links to this and my earlier short story and microfiction collections.

I’ve also been planning a new direction for Season Five of the podcast, which I hope to launch early next year. Watch your feed for details!

Meanwhile, I’ve “gift-wrapped” the first episodes from Seasons One to Four of Tall And True Short Reads for this year’s bumper Kris Kringle episode:

Season One – Five Meet On Zoom, released 10 October 2020: FIVE logged onto their first Zoom meeting. “Right-o, can everyone hear and see me?” asked Julian, who, as the leader, had scheduled the meeting and emailed invites, with help from his clever-clogs cousin, George.

Season Two – The Last Book That Made You Cry, Episode 33, released 13 September 2021: Penguin Books Australia posted a question on Facebook in August 2017: What is the last book that made you cry? The books could evoke tears of joy or sadness, and I immediately thought of three books, all for the latter category. And here are my top three tearjerkers.

Season Three – Once Upon A Time, Episode 59, released 16 September 2022: This story begins at the end. But my time spent observing your planet has taught me humans like to process events and information in an orderly, if not entirely predictable, sequence. So forget the first sentence, and I’ll serve you a linear tale. Just don’t skip to the end and spoil it.

Season Four – Some Things Change – Perth, Western Australia, 1979, Episode 79, released 26 September 2023: It’s only early spring, but I’m starting to sweat in Mum and Dad’s back garden. I wore my dark English suit for Dad’s funeral, and if etiquette permits at wakes, I’d like to slip off the coat. Looking around the garden for guidance, I struggle to recognise elderly aunts and uncles or my fellow middle-aged cousins. And I have no hope of placing their children and grandchildren.

After each Kringle episode, I explain when and why I wrote the story or post.

I hope you enjoy this year’s Kris Kringle collection. You can read my selected short stories, blog posts, and other writings on

You can also buy my short story collections, including One Day in the Life of Alex’s AI and Other Speculative Fiction, from the Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Kobo online bookstores. There are links in the show notes.

Season Five of Tall And True Short Reads will appear in your podcast feed in the new year. In the meantime, browse your feed or the podcast website for earlier episodes from all four seasons, and please follow or subscribe to the podcast and rate and review it via your favourite app. Doing so helps me share my storytelling.

You can support the podcast financially by making a small one-off or regular donation through the Acast Supporter Page

I wish you a happy and safe festive and holiday season. Please share this Kris Kringle gift with family and friends and spread the good tidings about Tall And True Short Reads and the Tall And True writers’ website.

Podcast Theme and Sound Effects

Royalty-free music from Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 15 in D major, Op. 28 ‘Pastorale’ – IV. Rondo. Allegro ma non-Troppo, performed by Karine Gilanyan.

Sound effects licensed under Creative Commons 0 from

Five Meet on Zoom:

  • None

The Last Book That Made You Cry: 

Once Upon A Time:

Some Things Change – Perth, Western Australia, 1979:

Production Notes

Tall And True Short Reads is produced using Audacity.

Podcast episodes are recorded in Sydney, Australia, on the traditional lands of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.

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The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic

Twin Souls in the Universe

Tall And True Short Reads

Twin Souls in the Universe

Episode 100 (1 October 2024)

If you thought about it, the process for selecting the first matter transference test pilot was archaic, although Mae considered it a lucky omen when she drew the Blue 15 raffle ticket. Blue, not pink, was her favourite colour as a girl, and at 15, Mae had decided she wanted to become an astronaut.


Twin Souls in the Universe

Show Notes

Season Four: Episode 100 (1 October 2024)

Twin Souls in the Universe is a short story from the Tall And True writers’ website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.

Read the story on Tall And True:

Read the “What’s in a Name?” blog post:

Listen to Episode 8 of Tall And True Short Reads, Splendid Views.

Episode 92 of Tall And True Short Reads, The Lost and Found Story.

Support the podcast:

Buy Robert’s short story and microfiction collections online:

Story Insight

I wrote Twin Souls in the Universe, originally titled The Hum of the Universe, for the Australian Writers’ Centre’s August 2024 Furious Fiction writing challenge. Their brief for the 500-word story was:

  • It had to take place UP IN THE AIR.
  • The first sentence had to include a colour and a number — I used a “Blue 15” raffle ticket because blue, not pink, was Mae’s favourite colour as a girl, and at 15, she had decided to become an astronaut.
  • And it had to contain the words DOUBT, PACK and SILENCE (longer variations with the core spelling were permitted).

Expanding on the “UP IN THE AIR” setting, the Writers’ Centre explained characters could not stand on solid ground or in or on water at any point in the story, including in a building or tower attached to the ground, up a tree, or on a boat, etc. They could also be in space but couldn’t set foot on the moon or another planet.

Being a Star Trek fan, this last line about space had me thinking of transporter malfunctions, with Scotty unable to “beam up” and reassemble Captain Kirk. Thus, my story about the first test pilot trial of the matter transference program was born.

Three items of interest for podcast listeners:

  • The main character in my story, Mae, is UP IN THE AIR at all times, although she reflects on things that happened on the ground. Perhaps this broke the criteria because my story wasn’t showcased or longlisted for the August challenge. More likely, other stories were better than mine.
  • I wanted my central characters to pay homage to the pioneers of space travel, hence, Yuri, for the Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (of course!). I planned to name my female character Sally after the first American female astronaut, Sally Ride. But as I explained in the “What’s in a Name?” blog post on Tall And True, I’d already used Sally twice, for August 2021 and 2023’s Furious Fictions, Episodes 8 and 92 of Tall And True Short Reads. So, I renamed her Mae after Mae Jemison, the first African-American woman to travel into space.
  • The story was originally titled The Hum of the Universe because it had a different ending. After Yuri said, “I came looking for you”, Mae replied, “I hoped you would”, and suddenly she heard the hum of the universe. The line was a callback to the silence and loneliness her atoms had experienced. But the day after submitting the story, I realised I’d used the wrong callback. So, when I shared it on Tall And True, along with other edits to tighten the narrative, I changed the last line to … and their atoms swirled like twin souls in the universe. And I changed the title!

I made a few more tweaks to the story when drafting the script for this podcast episode, including the last line, which now reads … and their atoms swirled like twin souls dancing to the hum of the universe.

I hope you enjoyed Mae and Yuri’s dance in the universe as much as I enjoyed writing, editing and narrating it. You can read Twin Souls in the Universe and my selected short stories, blog posts and other writings at You can also buy my short story and microfiction collections from the Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Kobo online bookstores — links are available in the Show Notes.

This is Episode 100 of Tall And True Short Reads, a major milestone marking the end of Season Four of the podcast, which I launched in September 2020. I’m taking a short break before the launch of Season Five.

In the meantime, search your favourite feed or the podcast website to listen to all 100 episodes and the season trailers. And follow or subscribe to the podcast and rate and review it via your favourite podcasting app — doing so helps share my storytelling.

You can support the podcast financially by making a small one-off or regular donation via the Acast Supporter Page.

Finally, thanks for listening to the 100th episode of Tall And True Short Reads. Please tell your family and friends about the podcast and the Tall And True writers’ website.

Podcast Theme and Sound Effects

Royalty-free music from Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 15 in D major, Op. 28 ‘Pastorale’ – IV. Rondo. Allegro ma non-Troppo, performed by Karine Gilanyan.

Sound effects licensed under Creative Commons 0 from

Production Notes

Tall And True Short Reads is produced using Audacity. Podcast episodes are recorded in Sydney, Australia, on the traditional lands of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.

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The Nine Lives of Leo Roberts — Prologue: The Clinic

My Speech

Tall And True Short Reads

My Speech

Episode 99 (17 September 2024)

I’m getting too old for this. My speechwriter’s pulse quickens as the PM mounts the flag-decked stage, flanked by senior ministers and mining industry executives, to announce her government’s green coal plan. Panned by environmentalists and scientists, polling suggests it could be a vote winner … if the PM nails my speech.


My Speech

Show Notes

Season Four: Episode 99 (17 September 2024)

My Speech is a short story from the Tall And True writers’ website, written and narrated by Robert Fairhead.

Read the story on Tall And True:

Listen to Episode 90 of Tall And True Short Reads, A Good Story.

Support the podcast:

Buy Robert’s short story and microfiction collections online:

Story Insight

I wrote My Speech for the Australian Writers’ Centre’s monthly Furious Fiction writing challenge in September 2023. The brief was:

  • The story must start and end with the same sentence
  • Feature something being inflated
  • And include the words FLAG, FLAME, FLASH, and FLATTER. (Longer versions were okay if they retained the original spelling.)

The first (and last!) sentence, “I’m getting too old for this”, popped into my head immediately.

As for something being “inflated”, I thought of egos, especially after settling on my characters on the stage: the PM, her senior ministers and the mining industry executives. But the “state-sponsored blank cheque to dig more mines and inflate company profits and executive bonuses” suited the story better.

A flag-decked stage for the speech, the flames of climate change, a flash of inspiration and the ministers and mining company executives flattering the PM had me ticking off the rest of the brief.

However, I sailed past the Furious Fiction 500-word limit and had to cull my darlings to reign in the story. But as I commented on social media during the weekend, writing too many words is better than staring at a blank page!

I drew on several pieces of autofiction for the story: I loved Enid Blyton’s Famous Five series and wrote a Blytonesque adventure story as a ten-year-old, Sand Island, the tale of which I narrate in Episode 90 of Tall And True Short Reads, A Good Story. And ever since then, like my speech writer, I’ve felt I have a bestselling novel building inside me.

I enjoyed my furious weekend of writing and was proud when I submitted My Speech to the Writers’ Centre late on Sunday evening. And I was thrilled to find it featured in the Furious Fiction Showcase for September and to read the judge’s thoughts:

Wonderfully observed with a clever framework built around a PM’s speech, the real action happens backstage with our speechwriter (the real heroes of any politician’s profile – yes, even Obama had people writing his words). As jaded as the green coal being proffered onstage, this writer reminisces on how they got here and the kind of writing that actually inspires them. The intermittent snippets of the campaign speech interplay beautifully with the narrator’s growing dissatisfaction – each building to a climax of sorts. The “too old for this” line was made most famous by Danny Glover in the 1980s Lethal Weapon movies, but here it feels equally memorable – instantly relatable for anyone who has ever written words for others!

Interestingly, I’ve not watched any of the Lethal Weapon movies, so I haven’t heard Danny Glover say my opening and closing lines. But I’m sure those of us of a certain age have uttered or thought it at least once or twice!

I hope you enjoy My Speech and that it doesn’t leave you “as jaded as the PM’s green coal”. You can read this and my selected short stories, blog posts and other writing on You can also buy my short story and microfiction collections from the Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Kobo online bookstores — links are available in the show notes.

The next episode of Tall And True Short Reads, the milestone episode 100, will be released shortly. In the meantime, please check your feed or the podcast website for earlier episodes from all four seasons. And follow or subscribe to the podcast and rate and review it via your favourite podcasting app — doing so helps share my storytelling.

You can support the podcast financially by making a small one-off or regular donation via the Acast Supporter Page.

Finally, please share this episode with family and friends and spread the word about Tall And True Short Reads and the Tall And True writers’ website.

Podcast Theme and Sound Effects

Royalty-free music from Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 15 in D major, Op. 28 ‘Pastorale’ – IV. Rondo. Allegro ma non-Troppo, performed by Karine Gilanyan.

Sound effects licensed under Creative Commons 0 from

Production Notes

Tall And True Short Reads is produced using Audacity. Podcast episodes are recorded in Sydney, Australia, on the traditional lands of the Gadigal People of the Eora Nation.

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